Proffit Road Closing in Summer

For all of us who live on Rt. 20 north of Proffit Road, we know that there are only two vaguely-direct routes home: Stony Point Road from Pantops, and Proffit Road from 29 N. (When all else fails it’s possible to circle way around and take Burnley Station or, on the other side of the mountains, Stony Point Pass.) So when an accident closes off Proffit, things get kind of crazy. On Charlottesville Tomorrow, Brian Wheeler reports that Norfolk Southern needs to replace the single-lane bridge over Proffit this summer, so the road will be closed for a month or two. That would be the lovely, though rickety, wooden bridge that spans one of the sets of tracks in what was once the town of Proffit.

We’ll all be changing our driving habits for a while, I suppose.

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